We are a social business. NGO Products launched its brand RABIAH of pure coconut products in Sept 2013. Its inception was driven by passion to deliver healthy and nutritious food to the market at affordable price while supporting small holder farmers.
NGO Products facilitated creation and growth of farmers’ associations in Kerala State of India. It was recognized by the Coconut Development Board of Min. of Agriculture for excellence of the quality of their products innovation of marketing strategies and variety of added value coconut products as well as support to the farmers. It created awareness hence the market about the health benefits of coconut products including prevention of some chronic diseases diabetes thyroid and even cancer.
Part of NGO Products sales strategy is creation of independent micro-entrepreneurs including women and support to small and medium businesses rather than working with commercial bulk buyers. Local food security is priority over global trade.
Coming in partnership with international community development catalyst Tatyana Sinetskaya NGO Products is starting in fall 2017 a new project Getting India Back on Track. As a social business model Getting India Back on Track is following the footsteps of NGO Products while diversifying from Coconut products to deliver a greater variety of safe pure Eco-friendly foods value additions and handicrafts procured directly from farmers. It is committed to identify and support the farmers who are willing to produce chemical free ‘responsible crops’. New business model is focused on reinvestment transformation of agricultural practices delivering government schemes and programmes. Long-term community development projects are the main objective of the new initiative first of which is the promotion of farmers’ producer organizations (FPOs).
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New Delhi, Delhi